Technical help

Technology driving you mad? Nothing works the way it should?

Technology driving you insane?

Help me!

There is nothing worse than not being able to do what you want with technology. I can help you understand how to do what you want quickly without all that faffing and unnecessary button presses.

iPad not doing what you want?iPad

Bought an iPad and not sure how to set up Facebook or email? Not sure what the difference is between Facetime and Zoom?  Don’t know how to run updates or since an update something has stopped working? With just a little help, I can put you back on track.

Smart TV? not so smart user!New TV?

A TV is not just a TV now, it is ‘smart’ or is it a pain in the neck? Not sure how to set up Netflix or Amazon Prime or not even sure how to connect it to the Internet? Again, I can help you get your head around this, one of our most used technical devices. I can even put together a user manual just for you!

Custom instruction guides just for youUser guides just for you!

I can put together some user, instruction guides just for you.

Need help with your phone?Smart Phone

Can’t get on to your emails? or set up a Zoom call to your family? Help is here!

Need help on what to buy?PC or Mac

Don’t know which one to buy? or how much to spend? Got yourself a new PC but can’t connect to your wi-fi? Maybe you need to set up Microsoft 365? I can explain the difference between bits and bytes and PC’s and Macs in an understandable way.

Get online with help from Brumbles!Wi-fi

Can’t connect or no signal at the other side of the house? Again, I can get you back on-line!

Need a Website?

I have created several websites using WordPress, a powerful system that allows you to pick themes, colours and features that suit your needs.

Check out the Websites I have created: – This one


That's better...

Things I don’t do… sorry
  • Replace broken phone screens
  • Install network cabling, you will need an electrician for this